Sunday, November 23, 2014


Another day another Peso as they say in Mexico. We are here on the beautiful waters of the Sea of Cortez. The prehistoric feel of this place is so surreal, with each passing moment I get I whisper under my breath “Welcome to Jurassic Park.” Today I sat wishing that I would never leave Los Animas Slot, because this place is paradise it feels like something from a cruise ship commercial. But unfortunately we must venture on and head back because all good things come to an end and we must make a slow return back to Illinois. Think about it for a second Los Animas Slot is the furthest away we have been from home this whole trip. Crazy right? But we must keep going pushing through the waves and the basking sea lions. Man sea lions have the life I want, they just lounge around all day in the sun and occasionally play in the water, ahhhh how nice of a life. So far sea kayaking has been a great experience. Its hard to believe but in four weeks I will be home shoveling the driveway. Thinking about this is hard to comprehend, ECOEE has become my life hate it or not it just feels natural now. The sun is shining now and I must go now and enjoy this warmth while it lasts. So here a quote before I leave.

“The air here is miraculous and outlines of reality change with the moment”
-          John Stainback

Kenny Bambini

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