Saturday, November 22, 2014


The last time I wrote in this journal and had this much moon light, I was in Northern Ontario. It is really quite something, this expedition that is. Four months 11,000 miles in three different countries. Where will the learning end?
After Mexico we will be in the home stretch. We will be piecing together the last of our homework and tapping our foot until we can finally go home. It’ll feel great to do all the things we take for granted in typical life. Showering daily, beds, food, microwaves, fresh socks… the list goes on and on. But even as I lay in bed all cozy, probably next to the one I love. I will have my experiences flashing through my head like PTSD to a Vietnam veteran. Even then I will be thinking and learning.
I will never be perfect. There will always be improvements to make. One of the burdens of leadership is that there are no days off.
Baja California is beautiful. I have been enjoying the unique trees and the enormous cacti. Even more beautiful than the silhouette of a cactus in an orange sunset is the culture I am surrounded in. Today we stopped for a few final groceries and just getting to walk around and see how the locals interact with one another was great. Mexico definitely has a few things to work on but so does the US. Things are just different down here and I thought I wouldn’t enjoy it but thus far this has been a great place to learn.

John Wiegert

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