Saturday, October 18, 2014


Day 60
October 14th, 2014

Well… with us reaching day 60 there were bound to be many mixed emotions knowing that we have made it halfway through our expedition, but something was lingering with our group and it needed to be discussed. When we pulled into Yosemite National Park my face was glued to the window of 514. As we were driving into the park we saw many lodgepole pines and ponderosa pines. With many trees burnt to the ground from fires in 1992 and 2013. Many burnt and ashes and barren land and little was left, but being in a National Park and the national park services and nothing can be done. You can kind of say this was our group after a activity Jeff had us do this morning. We have some how become those burnt up trees in the park, but the difference is we can pick each other up, be there for support and maybe just to listen and fix everything. Though we all have hope as a group that we can move forward and continue to grow. There is always room for improvement. Hey we have sixty day to reach our potential and even continue growing from them. Everyday you are presented with a new challenge and your thrown curveballs. It’s all about how you react to it, and you can’t let it destroy you. Today I have learned a lot about what it means to be in a group, and that it is no way similar to any sports team that I have ever been on.

“I am thankful for my struggle because without it I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strengths”

-Vickey Benhart

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