Sunday, October 19, 2014


To start off this journal; Anthony, Kenny and Josh just took down an entire tree trying to hang the bear bag. Before the tree broke we enjoyed too much spaghetti. If you asked me this morning for a prediction of the day, it would have been much different than reality. This morning I ran from one ridge to the other figuring out where we were. I shed a few tears, but that might have been the fact that I had not eaten or drank anything prior we eventually figured out where we were and Kenny took off as scout on a so called trail. Switching off roles and taking way too many stops is a good description of our hike today. It was at our destination that we took our extremely steep trek down and split into our groups. I was so eager to split into groups that I split my pants. This gave the group a laugh which lightened my heart given that laughing has been sparse the last day and a half. My group stuck to our original route which we received a high-five for. I have never seen josh so excited. Our group went up the ridge instead of around it. As we were taking our break at the top we saw papa smurf coming up over the horizon, smashing any karens that were in his line of vision. This made us laugh and also made us realize that our group did amazing. The boys finally got the bear bags hung and are getting into their sleeping bags; So I am done writing.
-May we all be well, happy, and peaceful.

Haley Brasile 


Today we will be venturing to the Sierra Nevada mountain Range for our second back country journey as we will be hiking through snowy and rocky terrain.

 Goodbye and we will post the blog as soon as we get back!

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." — from Our National Parks (1901)

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