Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 26


What is colder than cold? ONTARIO. That’s how I felt today. It was our second day on the rapids and oh me oh my we all got a tad bit wet from the shallow rapids. It has been a rough 2 days for muah. As you may have heard I have graced my body in the Missinaibi four times, as you fall in this fine river you come to find its surprisingly warm and comforting until you realize you are in a raging rapid. For the most part this group seems to be doing fine on the rapids. I have been in my tent all day sleeping cause of sub 40 degree Canadian typhoon. As the final days tick down I sit here wondering in my only pair of dry clothes how will this end. I have come to the conclusion that the sun is a myth in Canada. So as Marshall once said “If you have chance one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted would you capture it or let it slip?” So the end is near and before you know it we will be out west. So how will you remember Canada will you remember all the adventures and hardships we endured or will you let the memories slip away eh.

- Kenny Bambini

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