Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day 37

September 21, 2014

Today marked our return to the United States after a month in the beautiful country of Canada and yes what I have read on the interwebs on Canada is true. Canadians are the nicest people I have ever come across, they really care for people. Like as they say in their National Anthem “With glowing hearts we see thee rise.” You can literally spark a conservation with any Canadian and they will tell you anything such as the little tips and tricks to getting by in that area. The memories that we will take from this experience is something only our group will really understand and probably not anyone else. We fended off mamma bear and her cub for 2 days; we canoed through what felt like 3 seasons. First was the summer nothing but sunshine then that quickly turned to spring and that brought nothing but days and more days and even more days of rain and then when we thought the rain was done and the sun was shining more rain came in through the horizon. Soon after, the late Canadian summer brought in winter flocking winter for our groups sake it did make the pines look like Christmas and that’s where I got to sing Where are you Christmas. Moving back into front country has been quite the transition. Living in the backcountry makes you realize how easy life is at home. All it takes to make a meal at home is to pause your TV, get off the couch, open the fridge, then press some buttons on the microwave then wait a minute and thirty seconds then boom a meal is done. In the back country it’s quite different. Usually we have to set up camp, organize our dry bags, get warm, put together the kitchen, dig through our food bags, find a place to strike the matches, get water for the dramadaries ok I’m going to stop now before I make you cringe. I’ll just say it takes some effort. This was an extremely humbling experience I will never forget and hopefully my group feels the same way. But it’s time to go back the United States but until we meet next time Canada I will be waiting for the next adventure.

-Kenny Bambini

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